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Color Correction, What you need to know


Updated: Jan 20, 2020

Hair Color Correction

Have you ever experienced a hair color disaster? Then, very likely you may have wanted to crawl under the bedsheets or never leave the house again. When hair color goes wrong we want change, and want it fast, but panic here is your worst counselor.

A professional must have a great deal of compassion, nerves of steel, patience, extensive hair color correction experience, and most important the skill to see you through it. The hardest part is dealing with your state of mind because when you don't like what you see in the mirror all logic goes out the window. First, you experience denial, then comes fear, and later comes anger, things really go downhill from there, rescuing such client is like retrieving a drowning person at sea, unless the rescuing party has control over the situation, you both, client and professional alike can go under. Nobody likes having to go through the process of hair recovery but there is no magic wand, no easy way out, and no guarantees. You need a professional with long experience in the field, one who is honest and transparent. Here is what you must know to get through this: clear, open, transparent communication with your hairdresser is of the essence here, tell your hair professional everything you know was done to that length of hair, I mean from roots to ends, provide manufacturer products and names, how many times was the color done, name of the product, the color number, you may have to call the old salon and find what formula was used, was any of this done at home or in the salon?

To have reliable parameters to work from, I run a stress test on the hair with an instrument calibrated for human hair checking for elasticity, strength and general integrity, something seldom ever done these days as the instrument I use is no longer available for hairdressers and you will only see it in the lab environment of a hair cosmetics manufacturer today, it is extremely useful; an invaluable, nay, indispensable source of information that precisely tells a trained professional what we are dealing with. Such testings gives me a reliable assessment of your current situation and clear indication of wether it's apt for correction or alternative measures need to be taken.

A true hair professional must be good at dealing with the inside as well as the outside of your head, as a client you must cap your emotional self and allow your rational mind to prevail if you are to experience any degree of success and satisfaction should you choose to go through with a procedure/procedures, (trust me, it does not get fixed in one session), it is very time-consuming, requires generous amount of material, and it must be followed through at home with the correct products. -Accept what you are expecting may not be realistic, nor physically possible or limited by what professional products can do today, each circumstance is different. -Be prepared for a long sitting, this is equivalent to "surgery on hair" In rare occasions the time required may be short but it's usually hours of intense work. -Your estimation of what is possible may be based on what you've seen in social media, or the internet in general, which is a digitally generated image which bears no relationship to what your hair current condition truly is like and an infinite number of other factors that renders the assumption inaccurate and unrealistic. I have always sought to have clients first understand what the situation is, what risks lay ahead and whether it's in their best interest to proceed with the transformation, encouraging the client to try not to act in haste.

Hopefully, regardless of the outcome you come out a little wiser and more prudent in the future. Take heart, realize that in the end hair does grow and this too shall pass.

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